The FASTING BOX gives you some idea of what a real fasting treatment is like at the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics. Fasts at our clinics provide all three dimensions of fasting (themedical and physical dimension, inspiration and interaction with a group of people who are all fasting together). The FASTING BOX mainly contains components of the physical
dimension. The daily calorie intake of the FASTING BOX is higher than it would be if you were fasting at the clinic, so that you can easily accomplish all your daily tasks even though your metabolism is changing. As the plant-based foods that the box contains are very low in calories and carbohydrates but high in healthy fats, with some high-quality proteins, your body will still enter ketosis – one of the desired effects of »fasting metabolism«. Ketosis is a metabolic state that keeps the brain young and encourages regeneration of all cells.
It is also not possible for us to provide medical care when you fast with the FASTING BOX. We will, however, support you at home to the best of our ability via emails, videos, our User Guide and Buchinger Wilhelmi’s online forum.
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