You will have no difficulty in getting out of bed. You may even need less sleep than usual. Stick to your daily routine and celebrate your last day. You may even feel a little sad to be leaving the fasting days behind you. Or you may be pleased to be able to eat whatever you like and enjoy your meals with other people. Remain cautious and follow our recommendations for healthy, tasty and environmentally sound eating (see p. 69), as this is the start of the switchback phase! To be well prepared for the coming days, we recommend getting your shopping done today. You can find a shopping list on page 55.

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We recommend avoiding both black and green tea and coffee during the programme. You can, however, drink any kind of herbal tea. This will resensitise your taste receptors for stimulants. Get creative and find other ways to stimulate your circulation, for example with a dry brushing massage, cold water and/or movement. If you are tired, a power nap or siesta can help.

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Chewing chewing gum and sucking on sweets can stimulate digestion and trigger hunger pangs. To avoid this, we recommend that you avoid chewing gum and sweets during the programme. If you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth, it can be helpful to suck on a lemon wedge or drink water with a little lemon juice and to perform oral hygiene (floss and clean your teeth, scrape your tongue). Oil pulling with sunflower oil is also recommended.

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To not only sense changes in your body but also make them quantifiable, it does make sense to measure and note down your waist circumference every day.

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Bowel cleansing is not essential in order to complete the programme successfully, but it does make the fast more effective. You can administer an enema yourself. People with experience in fasting value the effect.

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For the programme to run as smoothly as possible, we recommend sticking to the amounts specified.

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The soups for day 1 and day 5 are prescribed – you should stick to the sequence given in this case. The soups for days 2 to 4 can be eaten in any order.

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Moderate exercise (e.g. walking, riding an e-bike, swimming) during a fast is highly recommended, especially outdoors. Make sure you do not overexert yourself and adjust the intensity to suit your condition.

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As the body’s detoxifying organ, your liver has extra work to do during a fast. A warm and moist compress stimulates your blood circulation, which promotes the removal of your body’s own waste products. While using the compress, you can relax, recharge your batteries and catch up on any lost sleep. In our clinics, the liver pack is usually applied during nap time.

This is how it works:

Fill a hot-waterbottle with warm water. Moisten a small flannel with warm water, lift up your T-shirt or vest and place the flannel below your chest on the bottom of your rib cage on the right-hand side. Then place the filled hot-water bottle on the flannel. Pull your T-shirt or vest down over the liver pack and enjoy the beneficial heat for 20–30 minutes.

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