• Immerge yourself in daylight especially in the morning. Look at the blue sky and seek out sun. Limit usage of sunglasses.  
  • Get daily exercise especially in the afternoon. Light exercise is recommended before going to bed and in the morning outdoor.
  • Eat carbohydrate meals preferentially in the morning or at lunch. Reduce or avoid them in the evening. Have dinner early and practice daily IF (10 to 16 hours)
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol especially in the hours before going to bed
  • Use your screens only during daytime and stop looking at electronic devices minimum 3 hours before going to sleep. Install blue light filters on smartphones and electronic devices or glasses with blue light filters in the evening (not during the day!)
  • Follow a consistent sleep schedule
  • Compensate for sleep deficit by napping or longer night sleep in the following days
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The soup essence is made of fresh pureed organic vegetables with herbs, with salt added as a preservative. For a quick pick-me-up between meals, mix 200 ml water with one tsp of soup essence. The essence can also be used to season the fasting soups.

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When you are fasting, your carbohydrate intake is drastically reduced. If you find yourself feeling weak or lethargic, you can eat a small teaspoon of honey. Honey provides energy rapidly and is an unparalleled treat on fasting days – the perfect antidote to a brief fasting slump. Our honey is sourced from a local beekeeper who we have worked with for many years and who is Bioland certified.

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At the beginning of a fast in particular, you may find that you are occasionally overcome with feelings of hunger. In this case, you can drink a cup of tea with a little honey or a broth made with soup essence. You can also make interesting observations regarding your eating behaviour by consciously noticing which situations cause you to feel hungry or give you cravings for particular foods.

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To avoid headaches during fasting, you should stop consuming coffee a few days before beginning your fast. From the first day, drink plenty of water and herbal tea to prevent headaches. An enema may also be helpful.

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When you come to fast at one of our Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics, we first use an enema or a laxative. This cleaning of the intestine helps your body to transition to fasting mode.

On day 1 of your programme, you can use an enema or take sodium sulphate (10–40 g, depending on your body weight), magnesium sulphate (10–40 g depending on your body weight) or any other laxative recommended by your pharmacist.

The required materials are available from your pharmacist or from our online shop.

How do I do an enema?

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Fill an enema vessel with 1–1.5 l of lukewarm water. Loosen the locking lever to allow a little water to drain out, to remove any residual air from the hose. Hang the enema vessel on a door handle or towel holder, and lubricate the end of the hose with Vaseline. Kneel on the floor, bend your upper body forwards and rest on your lower arms. Then use one hand to insert the hose into the rectum. Loosen the lever to allow the water to enter. Close the lever again, and then carefully remove the tube. Try to retain the enema for roughly one to three minutes.

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As the body’s detoxifying organ, your liver has extra work to do during a fast. A warm and moist compress stimulates your blood circulation, which promotes the removal of your body’s own waste products. While using the compress, you can relax, recharge your batteries and catch up on any lost sleep. In our clinics, the liver pack is usually applied during nap time.

This is how it works:

Fill a hot-waterbottle with warm water. Moisten a small flannel with warm water, lift up your T-shirt or vest and place the flannel below your chest on the bottom of your rib cage on the right-hand side. Then place the filled hot-water bottle on the flannel. Pull your T-shirt or vest down over the liver pack and enjoy the beneficial heat for 20–30 minutes.

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When it comes to choosing a time to start, there is no right or wrong time. Notice what your body is telling you and select a time that suits you, ideally a day when you will not be distracted by important appointments.

  • Especially if you are fasting for the first time, a good time to start could be a weekend, as your body can then concentrate entirely on changing your metabolism.
  • People with experience in fasting often like to start their fasts during the week, as day-to-day work distracts them from any temptations. If you start on a Monday, you can look forward to eating solid food again by the weekend.
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