The fasting metabolism works differently to the normal energy metabolism with glucose. During fasting we consume almost no glucose. Initially, the glucose store (glycogen) breaks down as soon as the resources are used up, the body converts body fat (from the liver, depot fat) into ketone bodies. The ketones serve as energy. By adding good oils during fasting, we give the body additional energy via the digestive tract. The idea that fat makes you fat or that fat hinders the breakdown of glycogen reserves during fasting is outdated and fasting metabolism works differently to energy metabolism with glucose. On the contrary, good fats have health benefits. And yes, fat-soluble vitamins are actually better absorbed as soon as fat is involved.
There are various ways of fasting. In traditional therapeutic fasting, oil is rarely added to the fast. As cold-pressed oils offer health benefits and also provide even more energy for everyday fasting, we have decided to include them in our box. In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids in linseed oil also have an anti-inflammatory effect. It doesn’t matter if you don’t finish the oils during the fast, you can continue to use them after the fast.

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The body can store water, especially in the stomach and tissues. However, the stored water is also excreted again, especially on the build-up days. This is why the weight loss is not necessarily visible on the scales.
When fasting, you first lose a lot of fluid before you lose fat. During fasting, the body can store more water again – this is like an emergency mechanism – the other metabolic processes continue in the background (e.g. the breakdown of fat for energy production).
However, fasting should not be used to lose weight. It is about relieving and “cleansing” your body. The positive side effect is weight loss! Take the pressure and stress off you and enjoy the new perspectives that you discover during fasting.

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When you fast for the first time, you may experience increased “detox symptoms” such as headaches, nausea or flu-like symptoms. This is usually due to caffeine, sugar, nicotine or alcohol. However, these symptoms should disappear within 24 hours.
Allow yourself to rest, avoid stress and lie down. As soon as you are in fasting metabolism and your body has switched over, you will feel better and have more energy.

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During the fasting metabolism, the body converts fat into ketones. Ketones are the energy in fasting and the linseed oil is the booster for your energy. Nevertheless, it is possible to lose weight during fasting even if you consume more calories in the form of oil.

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Our Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTENBOX is designed in such a way that you do not need to consume anything apart from water and the yoghurt that is not included in the box. Other than that, you don’t need to add anything.
Anything else you consume will usually have additional calories. With normal Buchinger therapeutic fasting, you have an average of 250 to 400 kcal per day. With our box, it is about 600 kcal per day, due to the oils it contains.
Oils or fats act as a booster during fasting and ensure that the body stays in the ketogenic metabolism and you are still supplied with enough energy to continue doing your everyday tasks.
To stay in fasting metabolism, it is important not to exceed your daily calorie count, otherwise your body will go out of fasting metabolism and you would miss your goal.

If you want to have something with flavour for a change, we recommend reaching for our herbalessence or adding fruit to your water to give it a different taste. On a small scale, low-energy and highly diluted vegetable juices are also fine. Unsweetened teas can also be drunk hot or cold.

Basically, however, we recommend sticking to the fasting plan so that fasting succeeds as it should.

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During fasting, the change in metabolism can also lead to changes in hormones. This can affect women’s menstrual cycles, so that menstrual bleeding can be heavier and last longer during fasting. Normally, these changes in the menstrual cycle regulate themselves at the end of the fast. However, if you are unsure, we recommend that you talk to your gynaecologist.

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5:2 is a way to integrate fasting into everyday life. However, you should make sure that the method is compatible with your daily activities, your job, your eating rhythm and your physical constitution. Our body loves regularity. If we don’t provide our body with the energy sources it is used to several times a week or if we eat too irregularly, this can throw off the metabolism. Likewise, cravings can develop more often, bowel movements can become more irregular and moods can deteriorate. So it’s best to try out whether this method is something for you.

However, you should make sure you get enough exercise and eat wholesome food with plenty of vegetables and fibre. The focus should be on natural, non-processed foods.

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  • Immerge yourself in daylight especially in the morning. Look at the blue sky and seek out sun. Limit usage of sunglasses.  
  • Get daily exercise especially in the afternoon. Light exercise is recommended before going to bed and in the morning outdoor.
  • Eat carbohydrate meals preferentially in the morning or at lunch. Reduce or avoid them in the evening. Have dinner early and practice daily IF (10 to 16 hours)
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol especially in the hours before going to bed
  • Use your screens only during daytime and stop looking at electronic devices minimum 3 hours before going to sleep. Install blue light filters on smartphones and electronic devices or glasses with blue light filters in the evening (not during the day!)
  • Follow a consistent sleep schedule
  • Compensate for sleep deficit by napping or longer night sleep in the following days
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The FASTING BOX gives you some idea of what a real fasting treatment is like at the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics. Fasts at our clinics provide all three dimensions of fasting (themedical and physical dimension, inspiration and interaction with a group of people who are all fasting together). The FASTING BOX mainly contains components of the physical
dimension. The daily calorie intake of the FASTING BOX is higher than it would be if you were fasting at the clinic, so that you can easily accomplish all your daily tasks even though your metabolism is changing. As the plant-based foods that the box contains are very low in calories and carbohydrates but high in healthy fats, with some high-quality proteins, your body will still enter ketosis – one of the desired effects of »fasting metabolism«. Ketosis is a metabolic state that keeps the brain young and encourages regeneration of all cells.

It is also not possible for us to provide medical care when you fast with the FASTING BOX. We will, however, support you at home to the best of our ability via emails, videos, our User Guide and Buchinger Wilhelmi’s online forum.

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The Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTING BOX is a hypocaloric ketogenic programme with intermittent fasting that sufficiently brings about the effect of a short-term fast to be given the name FASTING BOX and it is therefore not a diet. To experience a real Buchinger Wilhelmi fast, however, we recommend a stay at one of our clinics.

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